Knavesmire Primary School

Trafalgar Street, York, North Yorkshire YO23 1HY

01904 806545

Welcome to Year 5 - September 2023

Current Big Idea Knowledge Organiser

Carlton Lodge Information 2024

Helping your Year 5 child at home

Here are some ways to help your child with their learning in Year 5:


  1. Practise ALL times tables - Number Gym and Times Tables Rockstars are fantastic resources to help your child practise.
  2. Encourage your child to read as much as possible. 
  3. Spelling homework will be set weekly using Spelling Shed, however it can also be used to practise a wide range of vocabulary. 
  4. Maths homework will be set weekly using MyMaths. There are a variety of activities, lessons and maths games for your child to access.